Career’s Fair 2015 by Gibraltar Rock Tours
The Career´s Fair by Gibraltar Rock Tours
I thought it would be interesting to sometimes tell you about everyday life in Gibraltar, and today I would like to show how our youth are very important to us in Gibraltar.
So although it really, hasn’t anything to do with sightseeing tours of Gibraltar, I went along to the Tercentenary hall where The Career´s Fair took place so I could tell you all about it.
This is what I found out:
The Careers Fair started in 2006 and was an initiative by Bayside Comprehensive School. (all boys school)It takes place every two years, and the last one took place just a few days ago on the 24th February 2015.
It was set up and developed as a way of providing career advice to pupils and also to provide businesses a way in which to inform pupils of opportunities available to them. It has grown from strength to strength since its beginning and Bayside School was joined by Westside School (all girls school )and the College of Further Education.
It is now a joint venture by these three centres of education.
Last year the Gibraltar Government announced that a university is being built in Gibraltar and due to open later this year. Until then Gibraltar has a unique situation in that students have to go to The United Kingdom to continue their studies. Some students take up work outside of our beautiful Gibraltar but with most of them returning at the end of their studies to work in Gibraltar, the Careers fair is a unique opportunity to find out about career choices.
It´s a really great chance to meet with a number of local employers who can provide professional advice and guidance about potential career paths and of course a chance for students to meet future employers!
It´s usually a very well attended event and this year was no different. The hall had a constant flow of students and parents visiting the many stands offering information on a large variety of career options, Health & Safety, Insurance, Banking, Gibraltar Fire Brigade, Gibraltar Police Force, Gibraltar Customs, Gibtelecom, Aquagib, and The Gibraltar Regiment, to name a few.
At one point in the afternoon it got really REALLY busy.
Most stands offered information leaflets, and all were answering the many questions being asked by students and parents alike. Some stands offered demonstrations and the Prison Service had some great antique handcuffs and other memorabilia.
In the entrance to the Hall. Students from both Bayside and Westside schools who have been participating in the Young enterprise scheme, had their own stands. A very talented lot I may add. I was really impressed with the high standards.
Gibraltar Rock Tours would like to congratulate all the people involved in this project, and thank them for all the hard work they do for the Youth in Gibraltar and wish them continued success with the career´s fair…..
Next time I will be telling you about a popular stop on your Gibraltar sightseeing tour, so check back in soon to the Gibraltar Rock Tour Blog.